This week has been another busy week at Pre School.
On Monday we decorated Gingerbread men with icing and covered them with sprinkles, we also had the Gingerbread shape mats out with the playdough so the children could make their own faces and bodies.
On Tuesday we did several small construction activities to encourage sharing, talking and thinking about what they wanted to build, and how they wanted to make their arrangements.
On Wednesday we went to Langham Primary School nativity dress rehearsal, the children walked beautifully to school and sat and listened to the play intently, recognising peers and some siblings!
On Thursday we had fun mixing ingredients together to create dough shapes. The children liked getting messy and exploring the ingredients and what they thought they needed more of and less of to make the perfect dough.
On Friday the children broke up some bread and we went out on the field to feed the birds, and saw the birds eating the bread, we also found a gigantic puddle for the children to jump in and run through, which they loved!
We have also been doing our Christmas Gallery this week, with the children making pictures of all aspects of Christmas, from trees to stockings.