Langham Pre-School Blog

October 2, 2024
Week Beginning 30th September 2024

We have had lots of fun this week, we have been playing with our new jigsaws and number matching activities, this has encouraged the children to talk about, and to recognise shapes and notice similarities and differences in our environment. We have continued our healthy snack, we have tried a variety of new fruits, such […]

September 9, 2024
Week beginning Monday 9th September 2024

We hope everyone had a great summer break, we return to Pre School with a big welcome back to our old friends and a big hello to some new friends. We have had such a busy start to the term, we have had lots of fun with a variety of vehicles, indoors and outside, in […]

June 21, 2024
week beginning 17th June 2024

We have been having so much fun at Pre School, our theme last week was Holidays, so we had the airport, car garages and the trains out, this encouraged lots of lovely conversations about how we get to our holidays and where we will go when we get there! We incorporated a seaside theme with […]

May 24, 2024
Week beginning 20th May 2024

We have had a very busy fortnight at Pre School, our themes have been people who help us, vehicles and dinosaurs! We had a doctors in the home corner, this enabled the children to show their caring nature, tending to their peers and dollies when they were poorly, and sharing their experiences of being unwell […]

May 17, 2024
Week beginning 7th May 2024

We have been doing lots of fun activities at Pre School, our theme last week was "Supertato!", so we created our own evil peas using paper plates, we then chased some real evil peas with tweezers, which enabled hand eye coordination and lots of concentrating to collect the peas in the bowls. We did some […]

April 26, 2024
Week beginning 22nd April 2024

We have had lots of fun since the Easter break, we have continued our planting, we have carrots, lettuce, broad beans, chillies, coriander, tomatoes and strawberries growing, and have planted sunflowers this week, so when they start to sprout the children can take them home to look after and see which ones grow the tallest! […]

March 26, 2024
Week beginning 25th March 2024

We have been having so much fun at pre school, now the weather is better, we have been going over to the park, the children particularly enjoyed the log swing and the roundabout, negotiating between themselves to take turns to push or to sit on the equipment. We have been using our climbing frame and […]

March 1, 2024
Week beginning 26th February 2024

We have had a fun filled couple of weeks, we participated in pancake day, the children helped to make the mixture, they really enjoyed watching them being flung! We then decided which toppings to choose! Mostly not the healthy options! The children have been very engaged with our new gravel pit, they have been pouring […]

February 9, 2024
Week beginning 5th February 2024

We have had a couple of very busy weeks at pre school, we have been out in small groups to litter pick for the Great Winter clean, the children really enjoyed going out and identifying the different types of rubbish and using the litter pickers, and showed lots of pleasure in doing an activity as […]

January 22, 2024
Week beginning 15th January 2024

We have started our new term, the children have come back very exited from their Christmas break and have had lovely conversations with their peers as to what they did, where they went and what they got from Father Christmas! We have welcomed some new friends to Pre School and we are helping them settle […]

December 13, 2023
Week beginning 11th December 2023

This week we have continued our build up to Christmas, we have made Christmas Tree biscuits, made different types of festive bunting, Christmas wreaths, and on Monday, we had our annual Christmas dinner together, with chicken, roast potatoes, peas, carrots, sweetcorn, yorkshire puddings, gravy and brussel sprouts, with a Christmas cracker! This was well received […]

December 1, 2023
Week beginning 27th November 2023

This week we have continued our Christmas craft, with lots of Christmas songs, and enjoying practicing for our nativity, making Christmas baubles with lots of glue and pretty sticky bits and using our Christmas stamps to make beautiful pictures. This encourages lovely conversations about what colours are our favourites and which shapes can go where.We […]

November 24, 2023
Week beginning 20th November 2023

This week we have been cooking with our new oven The children decided last week to make pizzas, and they made lots of suggestions for toppings. We had lots of fun identifying the different ingredients and taste testing them before putting them on the pizzas, and we ate them with our lunch. This was a […]

November 17, 2023
Week beginning 13th November 2023

This week we have continued our Christmas preparations, the children have decorated the Christmas Trees with baubles and tinsel, and have been making paper decorations to take home. We also made some salt dough, and cut it out in festive shapes to decorate our tree once they are painted and glittered!. The children have been […]

November 13, 2023
Week beginning 6th November 2023

This week we have continued to enjoy our new climbing frame and accessories, the children love the freedom to express their movements as they climb and jump. we have used the equipment indoors and outdoors and have made different variations of how to put the equipment together to make it accessible for the younger ones […]

November 3, 2023
Week Beginning 30th October 2023

Welcome back after half term! We started the week with our Halloween Party, thank you very much to our parents that donated lots of spooky food for the children, they had lots of fun and really enjoyed it! We have had a delivery of the second half of our climbing frame, the children are experimenting […]

October 20, 2023
Week beginning 16th October 2023

This week we have had lots of fun in the mud kitchen, we added different ingredients, mixing together the spaghetti, rice and sand, making a variety of meals, from soup to porridge, sharing resources, negotiating their ideas and taking turns really nicely.We have been playing different puzzle games, shopping list, the fishing game and the […]

October 6, 2023
Week beginning 2nd October 2023

This week we have had lots of fun with our new climbing frame, the children helped the adults to build it, and advised on where the pieces should go. They tried really hard to climb over or round the parts, and showed persistence when it was difficult. This encourages lots of lovely sharing, and hand […]

October 3, 2023
Week Beginning 25th September 2023

This week we have really enjoyed drawing in the garden, from using chalk on the floor, to drawing around different shapes, including ourselves. This encouraged lots of chatter with mathematical language, how big, how small, how tall, matching and recognizing different shapes,.We have had lots of role play and small world activities, we had lots […]

September 22, 2023
Week Beginning 18th September 2023

This week we have had lots of fun making pin people of ourselves, this really engaged the children, they were able to identify and describe their own facial features, what clothes they like to wear, and offer suggestions about their peers creations! This encourages a sense of self and builds confidence to talk about themselves.We […]

September 15, 2023
week beginning 11th September 2023

This week we have been rearranging our water wall, the children have helped to place the various items and have been testing the tubes and funnels to ensure they worked. This enabled the children to negotiate with each other, and lots of discussion about which tools to use for each part of the job.The children […]

September 11, 2023
Week Beginning 4th September 2023

Welcome back! We have said goodbye to our friends going to school and have said a big hello to our new friends that have joined us this term. We have enjoyed the warm weather in the garden, with a variety of water play, washing babies, boats and people, pouring with jugs and funnels. This helps […]

July 14, 2023
Week beginning 17th July 2023

his week we have continued our fun in the garden, using the mud kitchen to make mud pies, and lots of lovely gooey mess! We have done lots of water activities, from people sailing in the boats to washing the animals.We have been doing lots of fabulous drawings and paintings, and really enjoyed our number […]

July 7, 2023
Week beginning 3rd July 2023

Last week we had a special guest, Phil from Jaws and Claws. Phil brought lots of interesting creatures to pre school, giant cockroaches, giant millipedes, a giant land snail, a pair of tortoises and a python. The children really enjoyed the experience and most of the children were very brave to join in and have […]

June 16, 2023
Week beginning 12th June 2023

This week we have had lots of fun outside, with lots of sand and water play, using the brushes and buckets to paint the garden. We have our first carrot ready, and Woody was eager to eat the top! We have have been finding lots of beetles and snails in the garden, each snail is […]

June 11, 2023
Week beginning 5th June 2023

This week we have been enjoying the garden, lots of water painting, water play with various sea creatures, lots of pouring and filling with the water and the sand, and making lots of structures using the wet sand.We have been watering our plants, we have lots of yummy carrots growing for our rabbit, Woody. The […]

May 19, 2023
Week beginning 15th May 2023

This week we have had lots of fun activities to encourage hand eye coordination and making different marks using a variety of media, from large scale paintings, scribing in the sand, drawing around shapes and chalking the floor.We have continued to replant our garden plants, ensuring that we talk to them every day, particularly the […]

May 12, 2023
Week beginning 8th May 2023

This week we have begun to repot (again) our plants. The carrots, sunflowers, sweet peas and wild flowers are really sprouting, we even have a turnip growing! This is encouraging really interesting questions and conversations about where our food comes from.We also found a snail in the garden, the children spent time watching it come […]

May 5, 2023
Week beginning 1st May 2023

This week we have been rehoming our stick insects as they are getting too big for their habitat, so we have scourced more greenery and sticks for their new home, and "Big Fella" is in the process of laying an egg, which has really engaged the children, who are checking regularly to see whether it […]

April 28, 2023
Week beginning 24th April 2023

This week we have begun to paint our "Supertato" cave, the children were really engaged mixing the colours and extended their decorating with lots of glitter, and are really looking forward to making Evil Pea and the gang next week. We have continued to refill our planting area, we reused our seeds we collected last […]

March 29, 2023
Week beginning 27th March 2023

This week we have begun our growing garden. We have sorted out our planting area, and have begun to plant our seeds. The children have been very enthusiastic, discussing what we should grow for Woody the rabbit, lots of suggestions about what our seeds need to grow, and using a variety of tools to begin […]

March 17, 2023
Week beginning 13th March 2023

This week we have continued our Mothers Day craft, completing beautiful cards, flowers and making fairy cakes, and then icing them with sprinkles for our mummies and loved ones. We have really enjoyed playing pirates this week, this engaged the children with lots of small world play and lovely chatter between peers, making up characters […]

March 10, 2023
Week beginning 6th march 2023

This week we have had lots of fun in our mud kitchen, making lots of food and potions for our friends, mixing the dirt and sand together with herbs for different concoctions! We have done some beautiful craft this week for our mummies and loved ones, we have begun to make lovely flowers and cards […]

March 3, 2023
Week beginning 27th February 2023

This week we have had a new home corner delivered, the children have really enjoyed the new items, and have loved using the playdough to make lunches for peers, with lots of lovely conversations and very good sharing and turn taking. We have had a variety of construction this week, making different buildings and towers, […]

February 10, 2023
Week beginning 30th January 2023

This week we have celebrated Valentines Day, we have been very busy making cards and baking heart biscuits for our loved ones. We decorated our biscuits with icing hearts, the ch;children really enjoyed the cooking and tasting of the ingredients!We have been playing with our new alphabet and number jigsaws, which is encouraging the children […]

February 6, 2023
Week beginning 30th January 2023

This week we have had lots of imaginary play, from our fairy wonderland to our Three little pigs, we have also been making lots of cakes and biscuits with our playdough and have really enjoyed sharing our creations, this engaged the children with lots of descriptive language and lots of lovely turn taking with resources. […]

January 27, 2023
Week beginning 23rd January 2023

This week we have had lots of fun in the garden, even though it is still chilly, we have some new bikes and a new see saw, this has enabled lots of lovely sharing, turn taking and fantastic positive negotiations between peers, which is lovely to see. We had a delivery of new lego, which […]

January 20, 2023
Week beginning 16th January 2023

This week we have continued The Three Little Pigs, we completed our wolf and have made piggy biscuits, and the children have really enjoyed making different houses out of a variety of resources and enacting the story together. We have done a variety of activities for Chinese New Year, we made a stir fry bowl […]

January 13, 2023
Week beginning 9th January 2023

We have had a great start to the new term, welcoming back our friends, with lots of interesting conversations about what we got from Father Christmas! We have begun to decorate our board, with our theme this term being The Three Little Pigs! We have started to make our houses, our little pigs and have […]

December 9, 2022
Blog Week beginning 5th December 2022

This week we have continued our Christmas craft, from Christmas trees to snowmen, with lots of glue and glitter! We have continued our salt dough decorations and they are now finished and drying. We have added glitter to our sand for that festive feeling and had sparkles in the playdough too!We have busily been rehearsing […]

December 2, 2022
Week commencing 28th November 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

We have continued to observe our stick insects, they grow so much in just a week! We’ve also picked some fresh bramble for them to munch on too! We have 4 new fish friends, which we are going to name, the children were very happy to feed them and watch them swimming around! We are […]

November 18, 2022
Week commencing 14th November 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

Our new stick insects have made a big impression on our children. We are learning how to look after them, spraying them with water giving them fresh privet to eat. We have observed how they shed their skin and we remove this from their tank once they’ve done so and we look through our binoculars […]

November 11, 2022
Week commencing 7th November 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

This week we’d like to introduce you to our new stick insect pets, Twig, Thicket, Branch, Slim, Stick and Leaf! Yes, that’s right, alongside our bunny Woody and fish, we now have baby stick insects!  So, in preparation the children went out foraging for sticks and twigs to make their new house a home before […]

November 4, 2022
Week commencing 31st October 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

Welcome back all, we all hope you had a wonderful half term! We’ve had a fantastic week, and everyone has settled back into preschool well. We started the week with lots of discussions about Halloween, going trick or treating and dressing up – the children all seemed to have a fantastic night on Monday as […]

October 21, 2022
Week commencing 17th October 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

We have had the best last week of term! The children have been so engaged and dived into everything we’ve had on offer to them. We started the week with the giant polydrons and turned our huge building into a super long tunnel that looked like a snake! The children followed instructions when helping to […]

October 14, 2022
Week commencing 10th October 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

This week we have continued our autumn theme with our autumn treasure that the children have kindly brought in. We discussed the various items, which plant they could have come from, and the many different colours and smells. We did leaf rubbings with large pencils in different colours, taking turns with the different shapes and […]

October 7, 2022
Week commencing 3rd October 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

This week we have begun to discuss autumn, and how our environment, and the weather is changing. The children really enjoyed the wind on Wednesday, and we had lots of discussions about what we could do on windy day, how many leaves and branches were blowing around, and the different types and colours of the […]

September 30, 2022
Week commencing 26th September 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

This week we have had another delivery of new resources, the children have particularly liked the new dark den, we have used lots of light up and sensory toys to explore the tent. We have also got some new space toys, including wooden planets, small plastic rockets and astronauts. The children liked playing with these […]

September 23, 2022
Week commencing 19th September 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

What a week we've had, sadly we weren't in on Monday due to Her Majesty the Queens state funeral however, this had brought on great conversations and topics with the children. Some watched the service on the screen, some knew that we have a King now called Charles, and others who described their emotions on […]

September 16, 2022
Week commencing 12th September 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

This week we have had lots more fun in the garden, as we have had such good weather, the children have enjoyed feeding Woody from the crop of our homegrown carrots. Our onions, leeks, carrots, chive, and mint are still growing so we have continued to look after those too! Other exploration in the garden […]

September 14, 2022
Week commencing 5th September 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

Welcome back to all our preschoolers and a huge welcome to our new friends! Autumn term 2022 has well and truly begun, it has been so nice to see everyone settle back in so smoothly and greet their peers which they have obviously missed over the last 6 weeks. We hope everyone had a wonderful […]

July 15, 2022
Week commencing 10th July 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

This week has been very, very hot, so we have had a variety of water play, from bathing animals, Peppa Pig splash play, water pipettes and lots of pouring! We also created a water channel obstacle course for our toys and cars, using pipes and guttering over 5 turf trays, the children found this so […]

July 11, 2022
Week commencing 4th July 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

This week we have been so engaged with each other and our activities at pre-school. The older children who will be heading off to primary school in September have all been transitioning very well, meeting their new teachers and peers. At pre-school these children have been really focused on improving their writing and cutting skills, […]

July 1, 2022
Week commencing 27th June 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who came to the beach on Friday, the children had a fantastic time, paddling in the sea, finding seashells, making sandcastles, and having lunch on the beach, it was a lovely day out for all! This week we have made cupcakes with playdough, with the children using various […]

June 22, 2022
Week commencing 20th June 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

This week we have continued to observe our garden, with many of the different flowers opening, the children were able to identify their different colours and properties, e.g., bigger, smaller, soft, spiky etc. and which ones they thought were the best then we collected seeds from the flowers for next year! The children spotted an […]

June 17, 2022
Week commencing 13th June 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

This week the children had lots of fun in the garden, with lots of different water play. The children have embraced the planting area and really enjoy getting involved with identifying and watering the plants. The children have noticed the changes in each one and their growth, have begun to learn which plants are growing […]

May 28, 2022
Week commencing 23rd May 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

To start off with, all of our staff would like to thank each and everyone of you that came along to our jubilee party on Friday, we had a wonderful turn out! We also need to give a huge shout out and a thank you to all that was involved last weekend with putting our […]

May 20, 2022
Week commencing 16th May 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

This week we have been getting ready for our Jubilee party by making our very own crowns! Painting them all with red, white, and blue colours adding glitter and gems to finish them off. All our children are invited to come along with their families next Friday we’re all so excited to celebrate the queen’s […]

May 13, 2022
Week commencing 9th May 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

This week a lovely local couple donated two large bags of cardboard for junk modelling. So, with the Queens Jubilee being our hot topic lately, Clair and the children used cardboard boxes, tubes, and papier mache to create our very own castle. We took inspiration from the tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Hedingham castle and […]

May 9, 2022
Week commencing 2nd May 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

What an amazing week we have had! With a 4-day week due to Bank Holiday Monday we have been super busy. Let's start by talking about the great outdoors, thanks to the lovely weather, we have made use of the huge field next to us and begun our PE sessions. We got the huge parachute […]

May 1, 2022
Week commencing 25th April 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

With just one term left for our school leavers, we have been revising our phonics this week introducing new sounds. Here at Langham Preschool we use ‘Jolly phonics’ to support our teaching, using songs and actions to encourage and make the learning process more enjoyable. All of the children have had lots of fun learning […]

April 22, 2022
Week commencing 18th April 2022 - Our week at Pre-School

Welcome back everybody, what a fabulous week we’ve had! We hope everyone enjoyed their half term and had a choctastic easter! Thank you to all the parents that took time to upload pictures/activities onto tapestry during the break. We are so happy to be back into the swing of routine and of course having lots […]

March 28, 2022
Week commencing 21st March 2022 - Our week at Pre-School

What a glorious week we have had at preschool, the weather has been kind to us, and we have thoroughly enjoyed spending time outside. We extended our shadow play from last week by using our coloured translucent bricks. We observed that if we put them directly in the sunlight and build them up, we can […]

March 18, 2022
Week commencing 14th March 2022 - Our week at Pre-School

What a busy week we’ve had here at Langham Pre-School! The children’s creativity is expanding every day, and this week one of our pupils made a whole animal park out of Duplo, the children’s buildings are beginning to have more purpose and meaning so they already have an idea of what they want to achieve […]

March 15, 2022
Week commencing 7th March 2022 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we decorated a box yellow and blue for all your fabulous Ukraine donations. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone for their generosity, our box has been  handed over to the owner of The Shephard pub they have  donations to send to all those in need at this awful time. […]

March 4, 2022
Week commencing 28th February 2022 - Our week at Pre-School

Firstly, we would like to thank everyone of you for your generous donations for our growing garden, this week the children have been helping with planting flowers vegetable seeds, watering them and creating an area for them to all be on display. We are so excited to watch everything grow through the springtime, with the […]

February 25, 2022
Week commencing 21st February 2022 - Our week at Pre-School

Welcome back to everyone after half term, we hope you had an enjoyable and well rested break! We’ve had a brilliant week back jam packed of new activities and we’re beginning to get ready for spring to arrive! Thank you to all the parents who have donated seeds, pots, and bamboo sticks so far, we […]

February 11, 2022
Week commencing 7th February 2022 - Our week at Pre-School

What an incredible week we have had, leading up to half term! Valentine’s Day has been a theme that we have included in our activities, such as cupcake making, pink sparkly homemade playdough and card making! The children have done a wonderful job at listening to instructions this week and making choices of their own […]

February 4, 2022
Week commencing 31st January 2022 - Our week at Pre-School

Happy Chinese New Year! This week we welcomed the Lunar year of the tiger and experienced some Chinese New Year themed activities. We kicked it off with paper lantern making on Monday, with some lined paper already prepared by staff for the children to practise their scissor control cutting the paper along the lines, then […]

January 28, 2022
Week commencing 24th January 2022 - Our week at Pre-School

We’ve had another amazing week at pre-school, from getting crafty and creative to practising our fine motor movements, it’s fair to say we’ve had lots of fun and kept super busy! As the great British bird watch takes place this weekend, we got crafty and decided to make our very own binoculars out of toilet […]

January 21, 2022
Week commencing 17th January 2022 - Our week at Pre-School

We have had such a busy week at pre-school, all the children have really settled back in and have enjoyed exploring new activities with their friends. They have all been so engaged this week and lots of stickers have been distributed to the children for their brilliant listening ears, excellent tidying skills, amazing sharing with […]

January 14, 2022
Week commencing 10th January 2022 - Our week at Pre-School

Happy new year everyone, we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. The staff and children have all been so happy to be back after our long break, and we have also welcomed to a few new friends who have joined us this term, you have all settled in amazingly! The Children have been so […]

December 10, 2021
Week commencing 6th December 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have continued to get into the festive spirit! We’re all so excited for our Christmas Meal next week and breaking up for the festive holidays. We’ve been crafty and created some Christmas wreaths which included painting, gluing, and carefully placing decorations on top as well as stockings and Christmas trees, alongside baking […]

December 3, 2021
Week commencing 29th November 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we’ve really been getting into the Christmas spirit. At the beginning of the week, we experienced some extremely cold weather and the children found ice in the garden. We talked about what the cycle of ice is and the texture and feeling of it. The children decided to do an experiment and leave […]

November 26, 2021
Week commencing 22nd November 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been very busy in the lead up to Christmas. We spent some time unboxing our Christmas tree and decorating it with baubles and tinsel whilst listening to Christmas songs. The children helped to stick the hanging decorations up in the pre-school room. We then started making Christmas crafts which included making […]

November 19, 2021
Week commencing 15th November 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week at pre-school we have enjoyed celebrating Children in Need, with the lead up to the big day today, Friday! We have decorated Pudsey Bear pictures with craft resources and displayed them in our pre-school windows to show our families. We also made masks so that we could pretend to be Pudsey bear too. […]

November 11, 2021
Week commencing 8th November 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have spoken about Remembrance Day. We looked at poppies and recreated our own ones in the expressive arts area. The children spoke about what colour paint we would need to paint the poppies, the children all agreed that the colour was red. In the mud kitchen we have explored sand which the […]

November 5, 2021
Week commencing 1st November 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have celebrated Diwali at Pre-School. We have done this by creating rice patterns out of different coloured rice. Once we had finished with the coloured rice, we took it to explore outside in the mud kitchen in which the children used cups to fill and pour and make each other different foods. […]

October 22, 2021
Week commencing 18th October 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have had Halloween themed activities. One of the activities has been decorating biscuits. The children carefully spread the icing over the biscuit using the back of a spoon. They then used a syringe to make a face with black icing. Each child made a different face. We also made playdough with spider/ […]

October 15, 2021
Week commencing 11th October 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have explored the arts and crafts area by choosing our own resources to create pictures. There has been sticking, gluing as well as using crayons to create our own pictures. This area has different coloured paper as well as different sizes too. The children can choose what they’d like, set it out […]

October 8, 2021
Week commencing 4th October 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have had lots of fun on our new farm, and our new castle, lots of lovely imaginary play and sharing of resourcesWe have made lots of silly shapes in the playdough, worms, sausages and lots of letters and numbers!The children have loved the new buggies and wheelbarrows. They have found various items […]

October 1, 2021
Week commencing 27th September 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we made a giant train track, the children really enjoyed making the track go around the room, this enabled the children to negotiate work together and take turns in laying the track down. They liked to chat about where they would go on a train and what stops were along the way. We […]

September 24, 2021
Week commencing 20th September 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we did a joint Macmillan coffee morning with Langham Community Shop. This was very successful, and we would like to announce that we raised approximately £400. Thank you to everybody who came along to support us and a big thank you to those who donated cakes and raffle prizes. We do hope you […]

September 13, 2021
Welcome back!

This week we have had new friends start pre school, our older children have been very kind and helpful to their peers, and the new children have explored the setting confidently. They have settled in really well and are happy to come to pre school and play. We have had lots of fun in the […]

July 8, 2021
Week commencing 5th July 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

The past two weeks have been extremely busy at Pre-School! We had a visit from Jaws and Claws! They came with a big selection of animals, for us to look at and touch. First, they showed us a skink. The children described him as scaly and shiny. Phil at Jaws and Claws then showed us […]

June 25, 2021
Week commencing 21st June 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week, in advance of Jaws and Claws, we have been looking at nature that surrounds Pre-School. We have been concentrating on the local birds this week, and the children have really embraced this activity, they began to learn the names of the different birds, and how many there are, and are listening to the […]

June 18, 2021
Week commencing 14th June 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been very busy! We have been practising our focus time by using the coloured pens to colour in squares to see who could last the longest. The children enjoyed choosing their own colours for each square. We were donated some new toys from a lovely lady in the village. This included […]

May 28, 2021
Week commencing 24th May 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

In the past few weeks, we have been very busy. We have been exploring more of the outside with the variety of different weather, we used kites in the wind and jumped in puddles in the rain! The children have been very engaged in planting and repotting the flowers and herbs. We have been taking […]

May 10, 2021
Week commencing 3rd May 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been exploring the sand with the new insects we have. The children have been burying them in the sand, then asking their peers to find them. The children have been talking about how the insects are all different. Some have more legs, and some have the same colours as each other. […]

April 23, 2021
Week commencing 19th April 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have had a new interactive whiteboard fitted in pre-school! The children have been very keen to explore what we can do on it. They have liked drawing their own pictures on the big canvas. We have also explored the number games on the board which has been enjoyed by all children. The […]

April 16, 2021
Week commencing 12th April 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

Welcome back to the Summer term. We have started the week off with planting sunflower seeds. Our aim is to start growing them at pre-school and then send them home to be planted in the garden. We will then see whose can grow their flower the tallest! This has been successful in previous years and […]

March 26, 2021
Week commencing 22nd March 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

On Monday we went in small groups to the woods to explore nature. Along the way we picked up sticks, leaves, flowers, bark, and grass. The children really enjoyed exploring the woods and listening to the birds in the trees. We even saw a horse on our walk to the woods and gave him a […]

March 19, 2021
Week commencing 15th March 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been making obstacle courses in the garden using wood and the benches to climb over. The children were using their gross motor skills to move around the obstacle course in different ways such as balancing, walking, climbing, and crawling. We have been exploring colours being mixed. The children have predicted what […]

March 15, 2021
Week commencing 8th March 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week the children have been interested in listening to the Stick Man audiobook. The children have used the book to follow along whilst listening carefully. We have also been busy making cards and flowers for Mother’s Day. The children wrote in their cards using resources of their choice. They were able to choose different […]

March 5, 2021
Week commencing 1st March 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have made a new graphics area. The children have been keen to get in there and use the resources. Children have used scissors which encourages their fine motor skills as well as practising their cutting skills. We have also used sellotape, bingo dabbers, felt tips, crayons and pencils to create pictures of […]

February 26, 2021
Week commencing 22nd February 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

Welcome back! It has been a fun filled week back at pre-school. We have been playing with small part activities such as pom poms and tweezers. The children have found resources around the pre-school to add to the small parts table. They choose stacking cups to then fill them with the different coloured pom poms. […]

February 12, 2021
Week commencing 8th February 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have had snow; This enabled the children to explore. We have been outside making igloos, snowballs and using the spray bottles with paint in them to make marks in the snow. The children have talked a lot about what happens to snow inside. We then brought snow inside to see what would […]

February 5, 2021
Week commencing 1st February 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been practicing our pencil control by using pencil control work sheets. The children have really enjoyed following the lines with their pencil to make the aeroplanes on the sheet meet. We have also made playdough and used it to strengthen the muscles in our hands to help with pencil control. The […]

January 29, 2021
Week commencing 25th January 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have spent a lot of time in the garden. The children spoke about the weather and how cold it was. We decided to put some coloured water into the tuff spots and in buckets. We put some animals into the water and told the children to wait until the next day. The […]

January 22, 2021
Week commencing 18th January 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been carrying on with our under the sea display board. We have been making divers to go on the board. The children have each decorated their diver with paint. We have also linked our board to a fishing game. One of our families enjoys fishing so we put the wooden fish […]

January 15, 2021
Week commencing 11th January 2021 - Our week at Pre-School

Welcome back to a new year and new term! It has been a great first week back after the Christmas holidays. We hope you all had a safe but good Christmas and new year. This week we have had a new toy delivery! The children were extremely excited about this. We have new sensory toys, […]

December 4, 2020
Week commencing 30th November 2020 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have continued with our christmas festivities! We have made christmas tree toppers, decorations to hang on the christmas tree and even christmas pudding decorations. The children have been listening to christmas songs whilst doing activites which they have really enjoyed. The children have also been making their own Christmas themed decorations using […]

November 20, 2020
Week commencing 16th November 2020 - Our week at Pre-School

We have had a fantastic two weeks with the children, we began our countdown to Christmas with decorating our Christmas tree, and putting decorations around the room! We have begun our Christmas wall display, and the children painted the Christmas tree and fireplace for their own decorated stockings! The children have started to make decorations […]

November 6, 2020
Week commencing 2nd November 2020 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we got a new resource, a sensory mood table, this encouraged the children to explore colours and how they change, and to observe the changes of colour on the table and how that changes the coloured looking discs. The children also really enjoyed decorating the box that it came in, and they spent […]

October 23, 2020
Week commencing 19th October 2020 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have continued our Halloween crafts. We have been making witches hats and decorating them with a variety of resources such as Halloween themed sprinkles, glitter and plastic spiders! The children also explored real pumpkins and helped to remove the innards. They used their imaginations to create their own pumpkin recipes using the […]

October 16, 2020
Week commencing 12th October 2020 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have started to make pumpkin pictures for Halloween, and decorations for our Halloween party which is next Friday. We have also made pictures of "me", this encouraged the children to talk about themselves, their features and what clothes they are wearing. They were able to find the colours of their clothes and […]

October 9, 2020
Week commencing 5th October 2020 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have continued our dough gym, with lots of malleable movements and rotation, the children followed the instructions really well and like the silly music! We played "Shopping list" and other memory games is week to encourage turn taking and talking through play, as they correctly identified the shopping and who may need […]

October 2, 2020
Week commencing 28th September 2020 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been coming together as a group to do playdough gym. The children experienced squeezing the dough and moving to music whilst they listened to instructions from an adult. We have also been to the woods in small groups to explore and collect resources to bring back to Pre-School for the mud […]

September 25, 2020
Week commencing 21st September 2020 - Our week at Pre-School

This week we have had our outdoor flooring resurfaced! The children have enjoyed watching the process. On Monday, the workmen pulled up the old green flooring and were here until Wednesday when they laid the new tarmac flooring. The children were able to recognise some of the tools the workmen were using. Whilst this was […]

September 18, 2020
Week commencing 14th September 2020 Our week at Pre-School

This week has been fun filled; activities have included crafts to create pictures to go on our new display board. Some pictures have been painted, glued, or drawn. We have left the choice down to the children and all have been very pleased with their creations. We have been practicing our fine motor skills this […]

September 11, 2020
Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone! It's been a great first week and brilliant welcoming so many new families. Be sure to say hello to any new faces you see. All children have settled in well and have enjoyed exploring the home corner with the new toys that we were gifted in July from families. We have enjoyed […]

July 20, 2020
Pre-School's out for summer!

The last week of pre-school was lots of fun. We did lots of mark making outside with the chalks. We used the floor as a piece of paper and filled it up with shapes, houses and even made a treasure map on it. We used water in a tray and added ducks. The children had […]

July 10, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

This week has been fun packed! We have been making obstacle courses out of resources in the outside area. The children have been using planks of wood to make a plank to walk across. The children have been putting their arms out to help them balance when walking across the plank. We have been exploring […]

July 3, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

What another fun and enjoyable week at pre-school. The weather has been very up and down but we have explored different weather with the children. We had a talk about the big storm that we had on Thursday. The children observed this from the inside and we spoke about how storms are made. We have […]

June 26, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

This week has been full of sunshine and fun! The children have enjoyed plenty of water play this week. We've taken small groups onto the field to run through a sprinkler if they wish. All the children enjoyed this as a way of staying cool.As well as water play on field, we had some new […]

June 19, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

This week we've had a fun packed week. We started off by taking Woody (our pre-school rabbit) to the vets on Monday morning. He went for his yearly injections and a nail trim. He was very good and when he got back to pre-school, we treated him with lots of vegetables.We've also been doing some […]

June 12, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

This week has been our second week back since lockdown and the children have all settled in well and starting to get back into our pre-school routine. This week the younger children (bears/ cubs) have enjoyed exploring vehicles as well as painting the fence with water. We have again used the water wall this week […]

June 5, 2020
Welcome back!

Welcome back everybody! It's been a brilliant week welcoming lots of our families back. The children have loved being back with their peers and telling the adults what they've been up to. Many children had been on walks with their families on their bikes, scooters etc and said they've enjoyed spending time at home with […]

March 20, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been making surprises for the special ladies in our life to give to them on Sunday 22nd March 2020. All children have made a special card and gift. We hope you like them. We have been getting creative by cutting and sticking, using our new creative station which has been replenished […]

March 13, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

This week we’ve been able to access the outside area a lot more than usual! The weather has been much brighter which means the children have explored things such as the insects outside. This led to trying to find other insects that lived outside in our garden such as snails, ants and spiders. The children […]

March 6, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been exploring the mud kitchen and adding ingredients such as oats, rice, soil and more into there. The children have loved this and have been making lots of oaty cakes and pretending to make curry and rice. They have also been making mud cakes with the soil. On Tuesday it was […]

February 28, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

Welcome back! We hope you all enjoyed your week off. This week has been very exciting for us as we started our new music, story and play session on Wednesday. We had many new families come along and lots of existing families too. Thank you to everybody who came, and we hope you enjoyed it […]

February 14, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

On Monday we continued to practice our phonics and our daily yoga, we did a cooking activity for Valentine’s Day, the children made the mixture and then decorated them with icing for their chosen loved one, we also made a card, which the children coloured in. We also had a cornflake train track, and the […]

February 7, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

On Monday the children helped make the playdough. This was started by a group of children who were in the home corner and were pretending to make some dinner. An adult then asked if they would like to make some playdough so that they were then able to create the foods they’d like to serve […]

January 31, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

On Monday we continued to practice our phonics and our daily yoga. We also decorated our own lanterns in aid of Chinese New Year. We spoke about Chinese New Year and what people did to celebrate this. On Tuesday the children took an interest to our musical instruments. To extend their thinking, we made our […]

January 24, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

On Monday we did small scale sticking with various small media, such as buttons and wool, we had lots of fun in the dolls house and the dinosaurs came out to play as well! We also practised our daily yoga and our phonics, with the lions doing work on reading their tricky words. On Tuesday […]

January 17, 2020
Our week at Pre-School

On Monday we continued to practice our phonics and our daily yoga. We also continued to experiment with black and white, and used black ink on white paint to drag the ink and make marks. We also got a new game, Crazy Blender! The children loved throwing in the ingredients and shouting out what they […]

January 10, 2020
Our week at pre-school

Welcome back and Happy New Year! On Monday we played with large scale lego and created lots of walls and towers! We did a variety of sponge painting using different textures and media, and had a playdough kitchen, and the children really liked making pies and cakes and pies and putting them in the oven! […]

December 19, 2019
Our week at Pre-School

What a fun week we’ve had! On Monday we had our Christmas nativity. The children did so well, and we would also like to thank the families of the children that came to the nativity and supported us all. We had a fantastic party with lots of party food and games. On Tuesday, Santa came […]

December 13, 2019
Our week at Pre-School

This week has been another busy week at Pre School. On Monday we decorated Gingerbread men with icing and covered them with sprinkles, we also had the Gingerbread shape mats out with the playdough so the children could make their own faces and bodies. On Tuesday we did several small construction activities to encourage sharing, […]

December 9, 2019
Our week at Pre-School

First, we would like to thank everybody who brought raffle tickets for the charity night last Saturday night (30th November 2019). We raised an amazing £540 which got split between ourselves, Langham Community Shop and The Langham Community Centre. This week, we explored playdough with glitter and pasta. The children made lots of funny faces using […]

November 29, 2019
Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been very busy and we've had lots of fun! On Monday we went to the farm down the road to see lots of animals, we even saw a ferret! When we returned, the children drew pictures of all the animals that we saw! We played our Christmas Shopping game and have […]

November 22, 2019
Our week at Pre-School

We have had a very busy week this week! On Monday we had a busy day with the photographer, and all the children participated in having pictures done. The photographs are ready to collect and look beautiful! On Tuesday we continued our Christmas craft by doing window silhouettes and continuing with our Christmas board. On […]

November 15, 2019
Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been continuing with our Christmas board and creating Christmas cards for you to purchase. If you have not received your child’s card, please speak to a member of staff. We have been exploring large scale messy play, including shaving foam, paint and other textured items. We have also had playdough in […]

November 8, 2019
Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been making some decorations, for our Christmas board. We looked at different textures and what happens when you mix them.  The children choose different ingredients to mix and had so much fun. The children decided that the gap between the benches was a river and that it was shark infested; they […]

October 11, 2019
Our week at Pre-School

This week we went on a nature walk to find some Autumn treasure. We looked at Autumn colours and also saw a horse and a cat along the way. We collected some leaves and sticks and tiny cones, which we bought back to pre-school to show our friends, we then made some Autumn pictures. We […]

October 5, 2019
Our week at Pre-School

This week we looked at ourselves and what makes us special, children were invited to draw themselves and then talk about why we are special. We had picnic fun indoors with our Friends. Lilly got sick and needed a doctor and a nurse, so we made a hospital. We made pizzas and spoke about ingredients […]

September 27, 2019
Our week at Pre-School

This week we looked at Autumn and made some window pictures for our display. We have also been looking at various textures, the children have had so much fun with this. We practiced cutting cabbage for our fine motor skills, which we then gave to Woody for breakfast. We are still getting to know each […]

September 20, 2019
Our week at Pre-School

This week we have been looking at the changes of the plants and environment as Autumn sets in. We collected some Autumn leaves and flowers that we found around Langham and made a potion and some soup. We have explored sand and water and tipping and pouring. The children have also been looking at phonics […]

September 14, 2019
Welcome Back!

Welcome back to our new term. All our children have settled in well and are busy exploring inside and out. The children that have come back are all excited to be lions (School starters 2020). The weather has been on our side this week and we have had fun with our new areas: Water wall, […]

August 30, 2019
Starting at Pre-School

So we are nearly starting back at preschool! Lots of nervous and excited children (as well as parents too). All parents are invited to stay with their children until they are settled, there is no hard and fast rule. All children are different. We are all looking forward to seeing how much your children have […]

August 26, 2019
Children's Groups (Lions/Bears)

I am sure your children have informed you if they are becoming a lion this term! Some children were so excited. If your child starts school in September 2020, they are now a lion. If your child starts school in September 2021, they are now a bear. The lion’s day is more structured towards learning […]

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