Week beginning 15th May 2023

Posted on May 19, 2023 by LPS1

This week we have had lots of fun activities to encourage hand eye coordination and making different marks using a variety of media, from large scale paintings, scribing in the sand, drawing around shapes and chalking the floor.
We have continued to replant our garden plants, ensuring that we talk to them every day, particularly the carrots we are growing for Woody the rabbit.
We had our weekly headcount of our stick insects, we now have twelve, of different sizes and markings, this enabled the children to identify their different features, and use lots of lovely mathematical language to discuss which is the biggest, smallest etc, and what we can name our new friends.
We have made many meals in the mud kitchen, we added different natural resources, herbs, flowers and scented tea bags to our water, this encouraged the children to explore their environment with their senses, explaining what they can smell and feel, and which ingredients they want to use.
The children have been reading to each other in small groups, they are showing good recall to tell the story to each other, they take turns and negotiate together who is going to be the storyteller next, and mimic different voices for the characters.

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