We have had a great start to the new term, the children have settled back in very well and have been very busy! We have updated our sensory quiet area, and the children have been very engaged with the new light up toys and new sensory equipment, this has enabled more focused small group activities and gives more opportunities for our younger children to play in a calmer space.
We have continued our healthy choices with our snack, the children are becoming more confident to try new foods and relay what they dislike, and are helping to choose which fruits and vegetables to have with our new snack board. This encourages independence and self selection.
We have been building with a variety of media, from sensory bricks, wooden bricks, lego and the main favorite, the magnetic bricks, the children have been creating enclosures for animals, cars and people, and attempting to connect their different creations together as a group. This has enabled lots of lovely chatter between the children, delegating what they want to do and how to achieve it together.
We have also been using lots of small world, the train track has been very popular, and the children have been incorporating Peppa Pig and the Paw Patrol in their activities with the trains. We have also been having fun with the tap a shape, this encourages safe play with the hammers and pins, and encourages their fine motor skills.