Week beginning 2nd October 2023

Posted on October 6, 2023 by LPS1

This week we have had lots of fun with our new climbing frame, the children helped the adults to build it, and advised on where the pieces should go. They tried really hard to climb over or round the parts, and showed persistence when it was difficult. This encourages lots of lovely sharing, and hand eye coordination. We also got a new piece of equipment, a tyre bouncer. This was great fun for the children to enjoy and negotiate together!

We went out today to find some natural resources for our craft table, to explore the woods, and possibly find a bear! We didn't find a bear, but we did find lots of lovely coloured leaves, different shapes and textures, some flowers and had lots of discussion about what we can and can't touch or pick, and why.

We have enjoyed our small world activities, from the farm, cars and garages, littlest pets, the train track, and tiny dinosaurs in the sand as treasure! This encourages social interactions with their peers and enables the children to make a theme in their play.

We have used a range of construction this week, using large and small wooden bricks, small snd large lego, mobilo, and the magnet connectors to build various structures and enclosures. This encourages lots of lovely mathematical language and lots of chatter about what to make next.

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