We have had such a busy week at pre-school, all the children have really settled back in and have enjoyed exploring new activities with their friends. They have all been so engaged this week and lots of stickers have been distributed to the children for their brilliant listening ears, excellent tidying skills, amazing sharing with their peers and so much more!
We began to use our circle time board this week, we sit for a short period of time in the morning together and talk about what day of the week it is, what the weather is like for the day, and we pick a new song every day too. All the children get a chance to interact with the board during the week placing new cards onto the board or picking nursery rhymes for us to all sing. We also have a sign of the week on the board, this week we have learnt to sign ‘sorry’, the children have picked this up well and we will have a new Makaton sign to learn next week. We have focused on our phonic sound ‘a’ this week and we’re beginning to recognise the number 1, finally we finish up by discussing our important rules to remember within pre-school and the all the children remember these so well!
Exploring sensory resources has been a focus point this week, we have used our dark sensory room to create two dark tents in which we have explored various light toys that change colours or help us light the way. When the room has been bright, we have had a new ball pit in the centre, the children have had so much fun with this, and it’s been a great chance for the children to interact with one another. Finally, we have added damp and dry sand into our sensory trays to scoop and pour, make marks, and create a scene for our dinosaurs as well as using dried food in our other tray, such as pasta and rice to explore different textures and open their imagination to create ‘dinners’.
Our arts and crafts have been really engaging this week, we’ve used homemade playdoh, paints, pens and sticking to bring our creations to life. Looking at our pencil control, we have been tracing over lines and practising holding our pencil correctly. We also have our new ‘art gallery’ displayed on the wall inside the pre-school, we are using this every week, rotating different children’s artwork to encourage a sense of achievement.
What a brilliant week we’ve all had, we hope you all have a fun and well-rested weekend ready for more excitement next week!