Week commencing 17th October 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

Posted on October 21, 2022 by LPS1

We have had the best last week of term! The children have been so engaged and dived into everything we’ve had on offer to them. We started the week with the giant polydrons and turned our huge building into a super long tunnel that looked like a snake! The children followed instructions when helping to build and they had the best listening ears when explained that there was one entrance and one exit, they had so much fun with this!

New puzzles/inset boards arrived this week and this time they were dinosaur themed! Dinosaurs are a huge hit with our children, and they’ve shown more and more interest since we built our volcano dino scene last week! The new inset boards are brilliant for matching identification, colour recognition and learning the tricky dinosaur names too!

The festival of light – also known as Diwali – is celebrated on Monday 24th of October and as we are on half term, we decided to make some lanterns this week. This was a great opportunity for the children to practice their hand eye coordination and scissor control, this was extended by the children in the art corner as they asked to do lots of cutting and sticking after being introduced to the Diwali activity.

Finally, Halloween has been a massive focus point this week and we’ve all had so much fun exploring different activities including, spooky playdough, pumpkin scooping and carving, a creepy cauldron, witch hat designs and of course our very own Halloween party! Our creepy cauldron had fake insects hiding in the murky water and the children had to find gaps in the tape and pick them out with the tweezers, this was a great fine motor activity for them all. We created our own pumpkin patch with real pumpkins, potato pumpkin’s, mini orange pumpkins surrounded by our autumn treasures!

Massive thank you to everyone for bringing food to our Halloween party and for all coming along, we had a disco with dancing games, amazing costumes that the children came in and a yummy buffet for all to enjoy! We’ve had the best term, we hope everyone has a wonderful break over the next week – please feel free to upload your half term adventures onto your children’s tapestry, it’s a wonderful talking point when we return on Monday 31st October! See you all then.

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