Week commencing 3rd October 2022 - Our week at Pre-school

Posted on October 7, 2022 by LPS1

This week we have begun to discuss autumn, and how our environment, and the weather is changing. The children really enjoyed the wind on Wednesday, and we had lots of discussions about what we could do on windy day, how many leaves and branches were blowing around, and the different types and colours of the leaves. We are asking for the children to collect their own autumn treasure, some have already brought them back, for those who haven’t yet, try and see what autumn treasures you can find over the weekend and bring them in next week! We’re hoping to take the children out to the woods next week to gather even more natural resources and see what we can create with them!

Mid-week saw the children exploring bubbles! We filled a turf tray up with water and baby wash, then we gave the children different tools to use so they could blow bubbles into the water! This activity gained the children’s focus for long periods of times, it also helps their speech because it positions and strengthens the tongue for sounds produced in the back of the mouth. It also encouraged lots of conversations with the children talking about big, small, colours, long, short, and so on.

We have expanded our space play with a new spaceship, which the children loved taking to the moon, and we had lots of different discussions about the planets and our world. The children have also continued their sensory play in our dark den, with a variety of light up toys, luminous bricks, and torches. Other activities have included our bricks and little people to count and match, by colour, size, and shape, using lots of mathematical language and making up stories for all the different people.

We are in the process of making a volcano for our dinosaurs, the children really engaged with the paper mache and then painting the volcano, we are also making boulders for scenery, which the children had lots of fantastic ideas of how it should look. We will complete this next week!

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